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发布日期:2024-03-29  来源:   点击量:


3月27日,辩论部部长杨雅婷组织了一场线上BP模拟辩论,辩论部杨雅婷,王宇彤,张心怡,张嘉桐等8位成员参加,围绕“We Support the glorification of start-up culture that encourages people to set up their own businesses after graduation”进行讨论。




     1.Government (Gov) Viewpoints

1.Social tend:Taking the postgraduate entrance exam has become a trend while starting a business has not become a trend.

2.Influence on country development:If we do not promote starting business, it will affect the development of the country.

3.Experience:We should learn from our mistakes.

4.Good for growth:Starting business is good for students' growth.

5.Economy support:Supporting those newly graduates to build their own business can propel the revenue or money to.

6.Develop Chinese culture:Newly graduates can promote the development of excellent traditional Chinese culture.

     2.Opposition (Opp) Viewpoints

1.Risk of failure:Newly graduated students don’t have experience,so they will fail.

2.Risk of illegal:Newly graduates may take illegal ways to start businesses and harm social harmony.

3.Rival:There are a lot of private company.

4.Economy problem:Newly graduates don’t have enough money to start business.

5.Unqualified:Newly graduates aren’t qualified with starting business.

6.Unfavourable:Economic and social environment is bad for newly graduates.


3.Motion analysis

In recent years, college students are faced with many employment difficulties:

1.Fierce competition in the job market With the popularization of higher education, the number of college students increases year by year, which makes the competition in the job market more fierce.

2.The employment demand of some traditional industries is gradually decreasing, while the demand for talents in emerging industries is still unstable, which brings certain pressure to the employment of college students.

3.Employment discrimination still exists in the recruitment process. Some employers discriminate against college students in terms of gender, academic background, major and other aspects, which makes some college students suffer unfair treatment in the job hunting process.

So we have a discussion on whether to encourage college students to start their own businesses.


Through the debate, we can identify and analyze the potential challenges and risks associated with starting a business after graduation, such as lack of experience, financial constraints, and high competition. This helps prepare individuals and provides them with a better understanding of the realities they may face.Overall, debating this motion serves as a platform to delve into the complexities of start-up culture, its benefits and drawbacks, and the factors that contribute to its success or failure. It encourages students to think critically, consider different viewpoints, and develop a more comprehensive understanding of the topic.

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