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发布日期:2024-04-19  来源:   点击量:





2022级英教三班 李明睿

Love, is "I want to know you, long life without decline" obsession; Love, is "no colorful phoenix wings, the heart has a touch of understanding" sincere; Love, is "ten years of life and death two boundless, do not think, since unforgettable" chase.

Love is the most sincere emotion in the world. Liang Shanbo because he and Zhu Yingtai both turned into butterflies, leaving a period of everlasting love; Romeo because it and Juliet martyrdom, leaving a sad song from the war; Jack had a baby because of it. Chance to give Rose, leaving a string of ocean love.

2022级英教四班 王桐

What a glories noon.

Light elf fell through the treetop.

Illuminating the mottled shadows with warm kiss.

Gilding the atrovirens grass with heavenly alchemy.

This is a corner of the campus, but it is also a small world of the lovely tiny creatures.

Bathe the warmth of the sunshine.

Emits the fragrance of the soil.

A sense of tranquility originates from my heart.

Revealed the exuberant vitality of spring green after the chilly winter.

Green sprouts, new stories are on the way.

About the corner of the small world.

About the campus of you and me.

2022级英教八班 曹蕾

The Verdant Spring 春日嫩绿

As it comes bursts up in bonfires green,

Wild puffing of emerald trees,

Thorn-blossom lifting in wreaths of smoke between,

Where the wood fumes up and the watery, flickering rushes .

In genial spring, life blooming in the green field.

2022级英教八班 蒋逸菲

It’s a picture of a bench at the Rose Garden of UBC. I don know who is Ian Keith Roberts, but I guess he probably passed away. According to the plate, he is only 21 and the person who deeply loves him gave him the title “A Scholar Forever”. A scholar who should have had a brilliant future and a happy family passed away in the most hopeful age group. Even though we have never met, I can still feel the regret. Fate is so unpredictable and the only thing I can do is sigh: What a pity.

2023级英教四班 郭铭悦

After walking the rugged 108 turns, I arrived at Mount Qomolangma base camp and waited for three hours to see the scarcely seen phenomenon of a golden mountain of sunshine, which is a rare sight for even a single individual. But after 108 turns, will we have completed all the detours of life?Perhaps you may never climb the peak of Mount Qomolangma , but you must possess a mountain within your heart. The mountain need not be as high as Mount Qomolangma , yet it will consistently provide you with a target to aspire towards. Youth is invaluable, and Mount Qomolangma lies at your feet.

Taken on January 23, 2024

2023级英教十班 曹金超

At one sunset, the western dome was filled with incomparable and wonderful colors. And the magnificent clouds around it converge into a rich imagery picture. The quiet purple, the warm orange, the hazy yellow and the warm red are changing in an instant, like the dream waves in the depths of the soul.


2022级西语一班 李志会

Un rincón de la primavera,Bajo el cielo nublado de marzo

El tranvía se ralentiza

Hago fatalismo instantáneo

Ponte la fragancia de las flores de ciruela.

A lo largo del lindo tranvía

Además de la primavera

Prohibición de entrar.

2022级西语一班 王楚依

Hemos perdido aun este crepúsculo.

Nadie nos vio esta tarde con las manos unidas mientras la noche azul caía sobre el mundo.

He visto desde mi ventana la fiesta del poniente en los cerros lejanos.

A veces como una moneda se encendía un pedazo de sol entre mis manos.

Ya te recordaba con el alma apretada de esa tristeza que tú me conoces.

Entonces, ¿dónde estabas?

¿Entre qué gentes? ¿Diciendo qué palabras?

¿Por qué se me vendrá todo el amor de golpe cuando me siento triste, y te siento lejana?

2023级翻译二班 杨梦熙

All I remember is that it was very cold.

But in front of a green door.

An old man and his little white.

They warmed each other in the setting sun.

They are surrounded by flowers.

They are hanging on to each other.

As if to say:

"Sell some sweet fragrance,

Change my dog to grow up happy"

2023级西语二班 余青青

A orillas del lago Mengxi, con 73 años de arduo trabajo, 73 años de búsqueda y emprendimiento, 73 años de viento y lluvia, 73 años de colaboración , no hay de qué preocuparse frente a las vicisitudes de la vida, mañana será más brillante.La gente de la Universidad Normal escribe su historia generación tras generación.

2023级葡语二班 邓欣杨

O cenário primaveril é pitoresco, a brisa traz um perfume de flores. As flores competem entre si para se abrirem, proporcionando um festim visual. Sentir a beleza da natureza! Sinta o vigor da vida!

2023级法语一班 丁凤平

In the photo, a crowd gathers,under the starlit sky.

A flag of China, high it flies,

Five yellow stars, shining bright.

A symbol of the nation's pride,

In the night, it takes flight.

Beams of light pierce the clouds,

A mystic dance, they seem to play.

As if angels in the heavens,

Are joining in this grand display.

And there, upon a raised platform,

A figure stands, flag in hand.

Waving it with pride and might,

A symbol of our grand land.

A scene of solemnity and pride,

This picture, it does convey.

A moment frozen in time,

A memory, to forever stay.

2023级法语一班 李依阳

L’hiver va enfin passer et accueillir un nouveau printemps. La glace est toujours là, mais il y a un avenir radieux devant nous. Lorsque vous êtes triste et frustré, tant que vous avez toujours un beau cœur, que vous leviez les yeux ou que vous incliniez la tête pour vous dépêcher, vous trouverez les œufs de Pâques exclusifs laissés par la nature. Ressentez-le, vivez-le, vivez-le !



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