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发布日期:2024-03-27  来源:   点击量:


Training routine

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3月20日,辩论部在西语楼141开展线下培训,部长杨雅婷组织,辩论部9位成员参加,围绕“Whether should tell the present harsh realities of job hunting to college students”进行BP模拟辩论。





1 We tell students truth may stimulate them to study harder.At the same time,this can also improve their professional methods to compete with each other.

2 There is a huge gap between ideal and reality,if they cannot accept it,they will hate this society,even takes part in some harmful activities,raise crime rate.

3 What’s more,it will save time and energy both for companies and government.For example,expenses for training、choosing、teaching.The students who have enough time to prepare for the future job have already learn practical skills and related knowledge,looking forward to finding a suitable job.


1 Students all know the situation more or less,it is urgent for us to guide students to what they truly love,instead of worrying too much when they are searching for something.

2 They may have enough time to enjoy their college school,rather than competing with each other toughly just for a better grades or entrance well -paid company.

3 It is not a lifetime choice to join a work which are decent and be approved,but a job that you absolutely abstracted in.





Motion analysis:

Forty-seven percent of Chinese college students graduating this summer had signed job contracts with employers by mid-June, a sign signaling the students face a tough time for job hunting.

For decades, students with college education have been generally in short supply, and a college diploma used to be a guarantee for employment.

But students graduating this Summer found themselves in a tough situation their predecessors never experienced: the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome made it impossible for face-to-face job interviews since April, and a drastic jump in job seekers while the demand for college graduates remains unchanged.

The central government has been working hard to help college students tide over the difficult time, including tax exemptions for businesses started by college graduates.

The Beijing municipal government also extended the deadline for sending graduates' documents from July to September, which gives college graduates two extra months for job hunting.

Motion analysis



This debate mainly discusses a series of social phenomena caused by the general devaluation of academic qualifications and the unemployment and employment difficulties of college students upon graduation under the influence of the current social situation.


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